Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mika is First Grader now!!

Halo Mik2..

seems that late birthday posting is a regular thing now hehehehe. Mik, you just moved to first grade this month, and i am glad to see you excited everytime you go to school. I love that you love to learn new things. You said you love English and science the most..wow..amazing girl!! I hope someday we can read the same book and share our thoughts together. I would love to know how my little girl's mind works.
Mika, forgive me if sometimes i was too harsh on you, but i am worried you become lazy. You tend to avoid hard things and afraid to challenge yourself. I don't know if that's true or I am reading you wrong. But i want you to be tough to face challenges, not afraid to fight back any obstacles you get. I want you to be the girl who look the challenge and doubt in the eyes, and tell them: I will prove you wrong.
Be strong and courageous, mik, life is not getting any easier, but you have to grow tougher but staying gentle-hearted at the same time. I love you so very very very very very very very very very very very very...**deep breath..very very very very very very very much.
God bless you

Friday, March 9, 2018

Happy Belated 2nd Birthday Upik!!!

Halo Meme...
my goodness, 2 years old already??? I can't believe my cute baby is 2 years old...are you technically still a baby??
What an amazing year we have, watching you grow and develop personality. You start talking...and a lot already, few of them make sense but all are cute. You walk like a penguin, a bit wobbly.
Interesting fact about you, it is easy to wake you up in the middle of the night and ask you to drink medicine, and fell asleep right after. You are such an adorable baby to me.
I love smelling your hair..even though sometimes bau kecuuuttt ahahahhahaha.
You have a way to get what you want...one time I ask you not to hit the trash bin with your hand as if it is a drum. Then you stopped doing it but lied down on top of it and pretend to be an airplane and the trash bin is the base to hold your body up. I was angry but couldn't resist to laugh at the same time.
Meme, I want you to know that Papa, Mama, Ciecie, Akong, Ama, Ngiaung and Emak love you very much. We pray so that you grow healthy, smart, and acquiring reasonable faith just like your name.
I can't wait to see you every time I go home, and hug and kiss you tightly..you are precious and beautiful, let no one tell you otherwise.
God bless you my baby cupy!!!