Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hawk or Dove?

Barusan tadi ini belajar ttg game theory (a very interesting branch of economics). Bagi yang pernah liat film "Beautiful Mind," si John Nash itulah peletak dasar game theory. Salah satu aplikasinya adalah dalam kasus Hawk or Dove?
Di dalam international relationship ada 2 tipe negara: Hawk and dove (judulnya aja dah itu...masak masih ndak tau sih hehehe).
Negara tipe Hawk berarti they will use whatever it takes (including military forces) to get what they want. Contoh: USA, Iraq, Germany zaman Hitler, Indonesia versi Soekarno (menurutku).
Negara tipe dove berarti they tend to give in. Contoh:...jangan deh...ntar malah bikin kontroversi hehehe.
Kalo disurvei mungkin kebanyakan people will say being the Hawk is the right one...it carries out the spirit of modern time...laisez faire is fully served.
Aku juga tipe Hawk....i'm very determined to get what i want...i won't let anybody to stand on my way.
However, there is a problem...a big one...according to game theory, when a hawk meets another hawk...it will cause a big loss to both sides. Contoh: perang USA vs Iraq...
Aku dah berapa kali ketemu another hawk standing on my way...and it's true...both sides lost...sama2 terluka. Ya kehilangan teman, ndak ada trust lagi, dendam...etc.
Menariknya...bila dove ketemu dove...both sides gain...walaupun kecil untuk masing2...tapi masih untung. Dove ketemu hawk biasanya baru babak belur...tapi kerusakannya masih lebih kecil dibanding hawk ketemu hawk...

Amsal 4:23 =>jagalah hatimu dengan segala kewaspadaan, karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan.
Jaga hati...jangan dibutakan oleh adrenalin dan emosi...
Jaga hati...karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan.

What i learn today...wisdom is knowing when not to back down...and
when need to give in.....determining whether it is worth or not to
fight for.

N.B (nambah hehehe):bagi yang tertarik ttg game theory bisa di search di internet...ada banyak banget online lecture ttg ini. Bagi yang dah ahli...ajari aku dong...makaseeehhhh

Originally posted on March 1, 2007

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